Onderko Motorsports Announces Intentions To Run USF2000 Series In 2012
 November 21, 2011| 
  • Series News

The Nazareth, PA based race team announced today its intentions to run the Mazda Road to Indy USF2000 Series in 2012.


Onderko Motorsports released today its intentions to compete in the 2012 Mazda Road to Indy USF2000 Racing Series.


Mike Onderko, team owner acknowledges, "Onderko Motorsports is very excited about the prospects of racing in the Mazda Road to Indy USF2000 Series. This is a very competitive series with allot of good teams and talented drivers. This will certainly be a challenge for us, but one I feel our organization is certainly up for." Onderko continued, “We are in talks with several proven race teams, ones with a winning history, we just need all the pieces to fall into place.”


The Onderko Motorsports team is also in talks with several high profile sponsors. Justin Onderko, driver for the team continues, “We have been talking to several potential sponsors in preparation for 2012. This is a long process and we want to make sure we provide the best brand awareness and marketing exposure we can for the sponsors. It’s important for us to understand what they are looking for so our people can put together the right program. The USF2000 Series has some prominent races supporting the IZOD series and those races are an excellent opportunity to get some great exposure.”


The Onderko Motorsports team is not without its accomplishments. In 2010 the team won its first Late Model Championship. Justin also spent time at the Bertil Roos Racing School in their high performance driving program.


Justin’s driving instructor Earl Ihrie remarked,” During my 10 plus years of racing and instructing it is rare that I get to instruct an individual with Justin's talents and personal skills”. Ihrie continues, “Throughout my time with him I found Justin to be a remarkable individual. He was extremely open to learning how to optimize his driving skills, constantly asking questions of myself and other instructors for feedback. Justin is in a solid position of being an invaluable asset to any successful racing team."


Justin also competed in the last two Roos Series Racing events and came away with 2 podium finishes.


The Onderko Motorsports Race Team is currently making preparations to attend the Performance Racing Industry Trade Show Dec 1-3 in Orlando, Fl. to promote Justin’s charity Race Against Drugs and their message to parents and children of "Fueling a Drug Free Future".


Businesses interested in exploring brand awareness and marketing/advertizing programs in the exciting USF2000 Racing Series should contact Onderko Motorsports at 610.746.3492 or visit their website at http://www.justinonderko.com.


For additional information about the Race Against Drugs Program please visit http://www.ncprs.org


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